Assalammualaikum, Hello Tweeples :)
how are ya guys? hopefully ya doing great just like me heh. alhamdulillah. since im not soo active in here, just find me in another laman sesawang yoo. which is, Twiderrr man. ahaks. @syazafazliyana is mine. so follow la kami. kami sangatttt la aktip kt sana. ok ok cut the crap. lets start with hmm hmmm. what's going to be, soon. yaaaah soon bebeh. my sis Engagement on Dec 9th. well, sad to say that im postpone mine cz of alaaaaa, Kita merancang Allah yg tentukan. yess. saya redha. Maka next untuk saya pula, lets keep it surprise. later kita story2 k. jadi biar lah my sis yang dulu ye. takdela saya langkah bendoi. haha.
Sedar tak sedar, this coming 5th Nov, me and Nizam are 6years together. Ya rabbi, tak sangka. tup tap tup tap.. sana sini sinun sono dah 6 tahun dah. macam-macam, sedih suka gembira. i just feel blessed. ThankYou Allah, for the happiness. Well, i just hope everything will be great. Insyallah Amin.
Guys, i gtg. atleast, lepas gian nak ber-blogging. lalala. sangat rindu okay. serious talk! ade masa nanti saya update lagi. so takecare everyone. muahhmuahhh ;")