Feb 11, 2012

i miss ya blog

Hi, Assalammualaikum People.

like seriously this is goin to be a long long update from me. dah lame gilak x update. banyak benda yg jadi yg aku nk share dgn korg sume. rinduuuu nk cerita. sekarang busy memanjang. nak wt cemana kan.. meningkat dewasa ni, kene la rajin sikit cari duit. nak kawin katanya. hado? haha.everythings going well. with encik boyfriend alhamdulillah baik. ehhemm, exclusive in here. insyallah pray for us yeaa. this november. engagement. amin, God bless us. with family and friends everything was fine. alhamdulillah semua nya okay sahaja.

but ade something yg x best sgt. dekat office. still bout that girl i really ohhh i just can't see her face. seriously. rase macam nk terajang2 jek. no the thing is, sorry to say.. die Ms.J tapi still perangai mcm.. * okay xnk ckp.
ni nk habaq mai.. im 20 and you idk yr age but yg penting ur older than me. so be matured la babe. tak perlu nk jealous dgn i takpun sesape la ek. kenapa tah? sbb u x cantik sgt ke? tergugat ek? kesian la u ni. kalau boleh xnk fk pasal u. tapi dah hari2 ngadap u dkt office.be nice to people around u, susah ke? sbbnye yg i bengang sgt die ni, die yg mulakan semua then nak cari pasal ngn org. apekah? sedehhhhh. 1 je, bile aku pakai ini tak lama lepastu kau pulak muncul same sebijik cm aku pakai. rambut aku cmgini, kau pun cmgini jugak. aku pakai itu pakai ini kau tgk je kan atas bawah? ramai cakap dah babe. so sape stalker sape skrg ni? x puas hati come say it to my face. i dont give a damn. got it? fine finish.

actually kesian dkt my friends ( ila&lan - Anas&ana ) yg maybe xde jodoh together or maybe tgh cuba perbaiki diri masing2. they no longer a sweet couple like before. so sad. for ila, i know how terseksa are you. tiap malam u call i nangis2 keep asking why he did this to u. idk how to help u. all i hafta do is tenangkan u. tu je yang i boleh tolong yg i mampu. i know what is happening. u told me everything from A-Z. hmmmm. no comment ya bebeh. and now, u tell me he find u back. keep calling and texting u. right? he explain everything right? so now terpulang pada u whether nak kasi die one more chance or not. but u hafta take a risk.. happy atau sebaliknya. hafta ready mentally and physically. i selalu sokong u okay. To anas, kau muda lagi plus kau lelaki. can find another girl yg maybe much better from her. jgn cepat emosi. i know u can. keep goin friends. aku doakan korg semua yg baik2 okay. chaiyoooo :)

haaaa lagi pasal ape yek? ahha, semalam kan aku makeup kan org. hikss. 3 org sekali gus. gugup at first. tp i manage to finish it. alhamdulillah. dapat habuan jugak eventhough aku ikhlas. habis je makeup rase takut rase x sedap sbb takut dorg x puas hati or maybe x cantik kan. tapi i got a positive comment. suka sgtttt. and insyallah afta this november, aku akan amik class. sbb aku mmg minat tang2 cosmetics ni sume. hope tercapai la yek impian aku nk bukak boutique. amin.

rasa mcm cukup kot tuk this time. haha. xdela panjang mane kan. poyo jek. ade mase nanti aku update lagi okay. takecare and see ya guys. daaaaaa --,