This is my promise to you. To prove my love so true. a collection of my plans meant to be anything but demands.An oath of things I will do,For a destiny only god knew.
I promise to hold your hand, This is simple to do.
I promise to call, Whenever I am afraid,
I promise to crawl, For a promise made.
I promise to kiss, You as long as I can.
I promise on a star to wish, The best for this plan.
I promise to hold, And never let go.
I promise to shelter the cold, This is easy to know.
I promise to give, Anything you want.
I promise to live, For past will never haunt.
I promise I will cry, For the love in you.
I promise to sigh, For the wonderful things you do.
I promise to spend time, With you.. the one.
I promise the sound of a chime, With the rising sun.
I promise to say goodmorning, After a perfect night.
I promise to give warning, For there may be turbulence in the flight.
I promise to love you, For now and always.
I promise I love you, In this and many ways.
This is my promise.. My vow of what I will do.
This is my eternal wish all because I truly do love you..