May 28, 2012

How lama and How i miss ya

Assalammualaikum Hi Guys.

its been so long till m not update my bloggie. as my title post there. really miss ya. how guys doing? everything okay? me alhamdulillah everything was fine. well im updating this entry today at office. still not go back as i hafta teman soulmate OT. eventhough me xde kerja, sangat berbaik hati teman. baik tak baik tak.. *okay tolong lempang saya lelaju dek mintak dipuji* teeehee.

So guys, what's new?? pejam celik pejam celik another 2months kita nak masuk Ramadhan kan. how time flies. and fyi, my bday this year 21st july jatuh pada 1st ramadhan okayyy. insyallah. haha. family and soulmate sangat la happy sambil berkata "selamat".. how could they kan? huhu. so funny. anyway, korg dah ganti puasa yang tertinggal tu belum?? errrrr me belum. *sorok muka bwh selendang* :))))  insyallah akan segera di gantikan. amin.

Hey korg. me sekarang sangat jarang online pesbuk and my addiction now is Twitter. adakah anda pun sama? hihi. kalau begitu, sila lah Follow sy ye. ke'follow'an anda akan dibalas jua. *ayat sangat* cut the crap. alright, me is @syazafazliyana. see nama penuh ku bagikan.. kau mampu? haha. jangan lupa follow iyek. buleh le merapatkan ukhuwah sesama kita.. *nampak tak ayat aku* haha.

hmmmm shud i tell about this? *garu-garu kepala sambil pandang lampu* k foineee. insyallah this coming Nov, our further step in our relationship.. Engagement.. yaaaa. hehehe.. *jangan gedik pls* :DD
for now 30% of preparation done. memandangkan agak jauh lagi masih mengambil tidak peduli akan selebihnya. when m about to lose some focus mama get me back on e track. so alhamdulillah at this moment family tersangat-sangat la penting. love much yarr. Hope that everythng will going smooth as our plan. please pray for us ya. amin amin amin.

Think that sudah cukup cukup sudah.. haha. menyanyi pulak kau mambang. hehe. free me update lagi okay. stay prettay and takecare.. see yarrr :))